Harvard Club of Toronto
May 2023
It’s Spring! The Harvard Club of Toronto has events for you - check out our website.

Toronto’s Ivy+ Happy Hour - on May 4 alumni from Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Yale and many more gathered in Toronto. We might do this again soon!

View photos HERE.
BOOK PRIZE - the Harvard Club of Toronto is pleased to award three book prizes to top students in the GTA this spring. This is a great tradition, long shared by clubs around the world. We will be reaching out to high schools in the area – but please help by spreading the word. Entries due by May 30.
Learn more HERE.
Women’s Leadership Presence workshop – June 16, 2023. lunch time workshop with Heather Stark HBS MBA’99.
"Using your unique voice: Leadership that brings out the best in yourself and others”
How do you show up as a leader? Do you feel that you’re using your true, authentic voice, and are being heard?
HBS alumna and executive coach Heather Stark will share a framework to help identify your individual culture, and how to embrace your authentic voice to be heard and have impact.
Limited capacity for this *HCT members only*. See website for details and registration.
Future of Food: Fireside Chat with Michael McCain Executive Chair of the Board & CEO of Maple Leaf Foods
Tues. May 30, 2023 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Malaparte TIFF Bell Lighthouse - Toronto, ONEvent hosted by the HBS Club of Toronto, in partnership with the Canadian Club of Toronto. Learn more HERE.
Thank you for renewing your Club membership for 2023. We appreciate your support for the HCT and the Harvard community in Toronto.
VOTE for the Harvard Board Elections for Overseers and HAA Elected Directors by May 16, 2023. Alumni can vote either online or by paper ballot. See https://elections.harvard.edu/.
Dean Claudine Gay becomes the 30th president of Harvard University on July 1, 2023. Read her bio HERE.

Harvard Club of Toronto Community Guidelines - a reminder
The Harvard Club of Toronto (HCT) programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in HCT activities are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct there with University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees.
The Harvard Club of Toronto reserves the right to suspend services to and exclude from participation in HCT programs any person whose inappropriate behavior adversely affects the safety, well-being, and inclusion of community members.
The Harvard Club of Toronto