Harvard Prize Book -
REVISED date - March 28, 2025
The HCT awarded book prizes to three oustanding students in the Greater Toronto Area in 2024 -
Ryann Fineberg at Lawrence Park Collegiate
Brenton Wong at Oakville Trafalgar High School
Aryan Khimani at Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute
In 2025 the Harvard Club of Toronto will again present books to three outstanding students in grade 11 who attend a Toronto-area secondary school. The Harvard Prize Book is awarded to an outstanding student in the penultimate year who is academically excellent, exhibits exceptional personal qualities and makes a significant contribution to the school or community. More than 1,700 Harvard Prize Books are awarded annually around the world.
This raises Harvard's visibility amongst Toronto secondary schools (including availability of financial aid) and encourages talented students to apply to Harvard College.
To apply, there are 3 steps:
Nomination: A top achieving student may be nominated by a Principal, teacher, guidance counsellor, or students may nominate themselves. A nomination form (see form here) outlining the qualities and achievements of the student must be submitted.
Resume/ CV: A well-presented and clear resume of the student’s school-based and extra-curricular activities, volunteering, awards, certifications, experience, and achievements.
Essay: Nominated students must submit a short essay of no more than one page (max 300 words) on one* of these topics:
What is a need that you have observed in your community and what practical thing could you do to contribute to this?
If money wasn't a factor, what type of education would you pursue, what would you study, and why?
What does “Inclusion” mean to you and how could your school or a group you are a member of be more inclusive?
*Note: Student must write on only one of these. The essay should be written entirely by the students without adult supervision or collaboration. Content is valued more than form.
Please download, complete, and submit this 2025 nomination form, along with an essay, and a resume to the Harvard Club of Toronto at harvardclubtoronto@gmail.com by Friday, March 28, 2025.
Contact us at harvardclubtoronto@gmail.com to request additional information.