Reflections on Nunavut 25+

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

4:00-5:30 PM

Massey College

Nunavut is celebrating its 25th year in 2024. The Harvard Club of Toronto and Massey College will mark this important milestone with Paul Okalik and Graham White. Join us on September 25th to hear their insiders' perspective on Nunavut’s creation and how they see the territory today.

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Paul Okalik was Nunavut’s first premier from 1999-2008 and MLA until 2017. A graduate of the University of Ottawa Law School, he published Let’s Move On: Paul Okalik Speaks Out in 2018 and joined the World Wildlife Fund Canada where he is currently Senior Arctic Advisor.  See Paul's bio here




Graham White is a researcher and professor interested in the Canadian government at the provincial and territorial level, especially Nunavut, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. Graham is the co-author of Made in Nunavut: An Experiment in Decentralized Government (2016) See Graham's bio here


The Harvard Club of Toronto (HCT) has hosted an Indigenous Issues Series of webinars for the last two years, discussing housing, food scarcity, reconciliation, resource management and other issues with Indigenous leaders and researchers from Canada and the USA. Harvard University’s Native American Program (HUNAP) harkens back to the 1650 charter which committed to “the education of English and Indian youth”; today it supports teaching and research efforts with Native faculty and +1,000 Native Harvard alumni. This is the HCT’s first in person event in the series.


Massey College is committed to truth and reconciliation through innovative programming and scholarship – including the Chapel Royal connected to the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, hosting a series of Anishinaabemowin language classes, holding a drum circle led by MCFN Councillor Kelly Laforme and facilitating a ceremony for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th.

Massey's Ambassadors program was launched in 2023. Seven Junior Fellows enrolled and were given education sessions with Darin Wybenga, historian of the MCFN. The Ambassadors participated in pow wows and other events, where they assist the community and continue to learn.