March 2024


Global Networking Night this Wednesday March 13th - our Toronto venue is near capacity.

Harvard Club members – we have reserved a few more spots for you - Join our list for first priority HERE


The Harvard Alumni Association is hosting a webinar conversation with Harvard President Alan Garber 
Tuesday March 19 @ 12:00 – 1:00 pm


Harvard Professor Cass R. Sunstein presenting his new book Look Again: The Power of Noticing What was Always There
Prof Sunstein is the founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School and co-author of Nudge (with Richard Thaler.)

Wednesday March 27 @ 5:00 - 6:00 pm at the Rotman School of Management, UofT.

Register directly here

Harvard Book Prize 2024

The Harvard Club of Toronto will award book prizes to three outstanding students in grade 11 who attend a Toronto-area secondary school. The Harvard Prize Book recognizes three students for their academic excellence, exceptional personal qualities and contributions to their school or community. 

Do you know of a school that would like to share this award and encourage their students to apply? Please contact us 

Applications due by April 26, 2024 Detailed information is here


Please renew your membership for 2024. We are always interested in new ideas and suggestions for the Club. Contact us HERE


The Harvard Club of Toronto (HCT) programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in HCT activities are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct there with University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees.

The Harvard Club of Toronto reserves the right to suspend services to and exclude from participation in HCT programs any person whose inappropriate behavior adversely affects the safety, well-being, and inclusion of community members.