April 2024 Newsletter

Harvard Prize Book - 2024

The Harvard Club of Toronto will award book prizes to three outstanding students in grade 11 who attend a Toronto-area secondary school.  

The Harvard Prize Book is conferred to outstanding students who are academically excellent, exhibit exceptional personal qualities and make significant contributions to their school or community. 

Applications due by April 26, 2024 Detailed information is here

Harvard and HAA elections - VOTE NOW!

Voting is now open! Harvard’s alums serve as Harvard Overseers and Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) Elected Directors. From maintaining Harvard’s academic excellence to shaping the future of the University and our global community of alums, there are many reasons to cast your ballot this spring.

Cast your ballot before May 14th. Information about how to vote, including a link to your online ballot, was emailed to you on April 1. To learn more, please visit the elections website.

May 13 - Visit National Ballet of Canada

Special *Members* opportunity to see the National Ballet of Canada rehearsal for upcoming performance of Jewels on Monday May 13 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm.

The HCT has secured a limited number of tickets for HCT members to attend the company's rehearsal followed by light refreshments. Details and registration ($20/person) here.

May 14 - Brown Bag Lunch - "Tune In"

Join us to hear from Nuala Walsh author of Tune In and president of the Harvard Club of Ireland for a HCT brown bag lunch on Tuesday May 14 @ noon.

Nuala Walsh is CEO at MindEquity and a Founding Director of the Global Association of Behavioral Scientists: she advises on behavior change, culture, and reputation. See more details and registration here.

June 2024 - Massey College @ 60

Special HCT visit to Massey College – we are finalising plans for a tour, discussion and lunch with Principal Emeritus, John Fraser

Date and details soon!


Special spring reduced rate. Please renew your membership for 2024. 

Community Guidelines

The Harvard Club of Toronto (HCT) programs and volunteer opportunities respect the rights, differences, and dignity of others. Those taking part in HCT activities are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and civility in those activities, and are accountable for their conduct there with University alumni, students, parents, volunteers, employees, and invitees.

The Harvard Club of Toronto reserves the right to suspend services to and exclude from participation in HCT programs any person whose inappropriate behavior adversely affects the safety, well-being, and inclusion of community members.