Dr. Peggy Smith on Indigenous-led conservation
Friday December 9, 2022
12:00 - 1:00pm EST | VIRTUAL
Join us for the Harvard Club of Toronto's Indigenous Issues Series. Dr. Peggy Smith, Professor Emerita in Lakehead University, Naturual Resources Management, on "What is Indigenous-led conservation and why is it important?"
Dr Smith will discuss what’s happening in Canada and share emerging issues and preparations for CoP15 - the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). CoP15, now meeting in Montreal, is the biggest biodiversity conference in a decade with countries hoping to strike a deal on protecting and restoring nature.

Dr. Smith earned her PhD in 2007, Faculty of Forestry, University of Torontois and is a Registered Professional Forester with the Ontario Professional Foresters Association. She has taught Policy and Legislation in Natural Resources, Environmental Assessment, Aboriginal Peoples and Natural Resources and Natural Resources Development and Aboriginal Peoples in the Faculty of Law.
Margaret (Peggy) Anne Smith, 2015, A reflection on First Nations in their Boreal Homeland: Between a rock and a caribou. Conservation and Society 13(1): 23-28.
Organizations for further action:
Organizations for further action:
Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership, the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, and the Forest Stewardship Council.