[Western New York] The Harvard Affair
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 @ 6pm
This is a special invitation from the Harvard Club of Western New York. All members of the Harvard Club of Toronto are welcome.
Please join us for the Harvard Club of Western New York's biggest event of the year, our annual Harvard Alumni Affair, to be held May 16th at 6 PM at The Saturn Club (See details in this flyer [PDF]).
Enjoy cocktails (cash bar), fine dining, fellowship, and a presentation by George Church (PhD 1984), Professor of Genetics at Harvard and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard and MIT, who will be answering the question: "How is Bioengineering Altering Nature and Human Nature?" This event is also our main fundraiser for the Harvard Club of Western New York Summer Community Service Fellowship.
We are very excited that Professor Church has agreed to fly to Buffalo to offer this presentation for us. He is one of the developers of CRISPR gene editing technology, a game-changing biotechnology that is allowing researchers to edit genes with extreme precision in living organisms. The promise of this technology, if it lives up to expectations, is that it will give us the ability to cure genetic disease in adult humans and reverse biological aging. (According to a recent Washington Post article, Professor Church has "expressed confidence that in just five or six years he will be able to reverse the aging process in human beings.") There will quite likely be a Nobel Prize awarded for the invention of this technology. I've attached a few links about Professor Church below.
Please RSVP to this email address (GregBravo@aol.com) with how many guests you are bringing, along with their meal choices. Please feel free to invite friends and colleagues whom you feel would get something important from Professor Church's talk. Payment for this event, as well as any donation to the SCSF, can be sent with the attached form to Jess Alderman at the address included on the form.
We hope to see you there!
Greg Bravo '93, AM '97
President, Harvard Club of Western New York
More about Professor Church:
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/achenblog/wp/2015/12/02/professor-george-church-says-he-can-reverse-the-aging-process/?utm_term=.487ed61672d3
- http://www.nextbigfuture.com/2016/06/first-phase-1-human-aging-reversal.html
- http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-george-church-reverse-2016mar03-story.html
- http://arep.med.harvard.edu/gmc/